Yesterday I celebrated my third Fourth of July out of country, at least. I might have spent a couple in Australia also. I need to think about that. The staff did a really good job of making the day special. We broke into teams with our Spanish language instructors and played silly picnic games all morning. 

This was my team "Los Matadores"
After the games, we ate a lunch of corn chips and guacamole, carrots and celery, and grilled chicken sandwiches plus coca cola. And what would a Peruvian Fourth of July be without Inka Cola? It wouldn’t be. Anyway, I had a great time. On top of that, my friend Cass was celebrating her 21st birthday. Her husband and host family threw her a big surprise party so a bunch of us walked up the hill to their pueblo to see her and celebrate with her. We had a blast.

Dodgeball...what a great game
And what´s the Fourth without a water fight?
Today we had our second language test. I don’t feel very confident about my interview. But I’m relieved to have it over with.
One of the things I forget to post last time was that there are currently 5 Peace Corps groups in Peru. Peace Corps 5 will role out in August (except those that have chosen to serve another year), Peace Corps 6 will leave in November (I think). Then PC 7 will leave August 2008. PC 8 in November 2008. We leave (PC 9) August of 2009. PC 10 will arrive in-country in September (remember they’re the group working in Health and Environment) and will leave November 2009.
Finally, here´s the picture of me eating my first ceviche.
1 comment:
That picture of you eating ceviche is funny stuff. Lol. You're such a weirdo.
The only way that your Spanish will get better is if you speak it and read it and listen to it all the time. The more English you use, the less Spanish you'll learn. I think that, given your situation, it will probably come the fastest after you're in your placement because that's when you'll have fewer opportunities to use English with your North American friends. For now you should probably work on speaking it as much as possible and learning the rules as best you can. That way, when you're on your own, you'll have some sort of framework to fall back on. The fluency will come then, though.
This is just my opinion, but I hope it helps!
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