This picture is from the Dia de Juventud. I was supposed to go on a hike with a bunch of kids, but ended up with just these three which was cool in the aspect that I got to get to know them better and we took a ton of fun pictures like this one. We also got caught in the rain which was bacan (cool)! I love the rain, of course, that might change in a few weeks, but as for right now... I love the rain!
I am well known around town as Arianita, Gringita, or (and this one's my favorite) La Gordita (little fat one) which is for the record a term of endearment, not one I'm particularly endeared to, but one nonetheless. I think the funny thing is Spanish isn't well known for its double letters. Where we have book, committee, and Arianna they have libro, comite, and Ariana. In fact, the other day I caught myself writing my name wrong. I corrected it, but it's funny to adapt to the culture in ways you never expected.
So I'm going to sign off now. Take care.
We sang "Trust and Obey" last Sunday. I missed you. Just thought you might like to know. :)
man do we miss you.it has been several months since i got on your blog. i will try to be much more punctual. you look great!! and all aglow with the spirit. our empty nesters met fot the first time last sunday night and you were soooo missed...we really do love you very much. learn from your house mom..bag the schedules,life is to short. all our love and hugs.carolyn and dot..ps i have a new granddaughter..madison emma tompkins..2 mo old and awesome..love you lots
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