Thursday, July 16, 2009

Long Time No Write

I didn't mean to go on a month long hiatus. But with the end of my service coming quickly, finding things to write about and time to write about them have been very difficult. So I hope you will all forgive me as this blog will just be a collection of photos. I will try to get a good in-depth blog up before the end of my service (only a week and a half left), but if not...thanks for following me as I spent two years and three months discovering Peru.

Two of my students working on their "typical foods" presentation in English class.

Same class, other students. Not an impressive pic.

At the Pacasmayo Marathon, I was only a judge, but here I am giving a high-five to my good friend Bron as she was at km 7 of a half-marathon.

My family took a trip to the Chavin ruin. Here we are in front of the bridge that connects one side of Ancash to the other side.

I took a quick visit to my friend Jason's site with a good friend of mine from Jangas. We walked to the Cave of Gibberish, and I had a really good time.


Samantha said...

I can't believe I haven't seen you in 2 years! Looking forward to a visit. xo

Mark said...

Great pics, Ari. You'll know this better than I, but enjoy the little things now! They're what you'll miss when you leave. :)

Mardy said...

The Cave of Gibberish? Great name! I hope you enjoy the last bit of your stay in Peru. We anxiously await your return to the States.

Katie Fowley said...

I'm loving the Gibberish cave too ~ do the Peruvians realize that's funny to us Americans? You look fabulous in that picture, by the way! What a beautiful woman my Ari is. :)